
Playback and navigation

Space barStart and pause playback.
↩︎Go to the beginning.
⇧⌘←Go to previous slide.
⌥⌘←Go to previous marker.
⇧⌘→Go to next slide.
⌥⌘→Go to next marker.

Rewind and forward commands depend to preference settings.


Move the selected annotation to the left.
Move the selected annotation to the right.
Move the selected annotation to the top.
Move the selected annotation to the bottom.
Clic + AltDuplicate an annotation during selection.
ESCFinalize the drawing of a polygon or a bezier shape.
⌥⌘GGroup selected annotations.
⇧⌥⌘GUngroup selected annotations.
⇧⌘MAdd a marker in timeline.
⌥⌘MAdd a marker in temporal visualization.


⌘IImport an audio file.
⌘EExport current view to an image.
⇧⌘EExport as images.
⌃⌘EExport as video.


⇧⌘TStart/Stop the tone generator to be used in the spectrum by moving the mouse.