Import segmentations

Select File > Import > Segmentation menu.

  • Select files in the right format.
  • Select Import.
  • Data need to be formated in right format:

  • First column contains time position of each value (decimal).
  • Second and next columns contain values (text or numbers).
  • Examples (Start time + Name of item):

    0.0      Part A
    22.0      Part B
    41.0      Part C

    or (Start time + End time + Name of item):

    0.0      12.0      Part A
    22.0      41.0      Part B
    41.0      73.5      Part C

    or (Start time + Name of item + Duration):

    0.0      Part A      12.0
    22.0      Part B      10.O
    41.0      Part C      23.5

    A window display a preview of data with properties:

    1. Select the right Model.
    2. Separator (invisible character) between columns.
    3. Name of data of first column (leave empty to use file name, * to add file name, and # to add index of files).
    4. Time unit of first column.
    5. Check the Preview before import.
    6. Select Import.

    You can use them on timeline.