MotusLabTool is the result of a musicological research on the recording and analysis of acousmatic music.
Acousmatic music is only composed on a support and performed on a looudspeaker orchestra (called ‘acousmonium’). The interpreter distributes the sound from the support to the loudspeakers using one or more mixing tables. To study these interpretations, MotusLabTool allows you to record the motions of the mixers’ faders, the audio used by the musician and up to 4 webcams.
Different representations are available:
- Representation of the faders of the mixing consoles
- Time representation of the audio waveform, potentiometer graphs and markers
- Representation of the opening of the loudspeakers on the installation plan in the concert hall.
Minimum System Requirement
- MacOS 10.13.6 or newer (including macOS 10.15 Catalina)
On previous systems, use iAnalyse 3 or 4 and EAnalysis.
MotusLabTool is only available on MacOS and do not support Windows.