Use animated representations

Add a representation

Before use animated representations, you need to import audio or data files or compute audio descriptors.

  1. Open animated view.
  2. You can change background properties.
  3. Click on + button.
  4. Select a type of representation. This menu only shows representations that are compatible with imported files.
  5. Change properties (see below).


  1. Use File to select an audio or video file (see also Advanced file menu at the bottom of representation page).
  2. Select desired size, type, and Logarithmic scale of computed window.
  3. Show FFT, LTAS, Spectral centroid, and Harmonics (first 25 harmonics). Computation of LTAS (Long-Term Average Spectrum drawn in background) can take several seconds, a progress wheel is visible during the computation. Harmonics are displayed when the mouse hovers the linear spectrum (it does not work on logarithmic spectrum).
  4. Change filter properties: HP filter to remove low frequencies, Dyn. filter to remove low dynamic values, Min. Freq. to crop low frequencies, and Max. crop high frequencies.
  5. Change drawing properties.


  1. Use File to select a data file (see also Advanced file menu at the bottom of representation page).
  2. Change properties of color.

2D point chart

  1. Use File to select 2 to 5 data file (see also Advanced file menu at the bottom of representation page).
  2. Change properties of size.
  3. Change properties of color.
  4. Change properties of margin around the graph.
  5. Definition: 1 is the higher definition.
  6. Animation: Create time animation of 2D graph:
  7. Display the key.

3D point chart

  1. Use File to select a data file (see also Advanced file menu at the bottom of representation page).
  2. Change properties of size.
  3. Change properties of color.
  4. Definition: Number of visible values.
  5. Display the key and the grid.